Chop wood, carry water
AI Assisted Education Platform
The problem with most education systems is the complete lack of attention to developing long-term memory of the material being studied. Why dedicate years to learning subjects that will only be forgotten? Why invest time into a subject not worth remembering? In other words, should we impose curriculums on students which emphasize long-term memory but are also completely irrelevant for that individual? For example, how many students use trigonometry in their daily lives? If the student doesn’t need trigonometry, what could possibly motivate them to learn it? If it’s imposed merely for exposure to certain concepts for familiarity’s sake, then surely there’s no need to focus on the long-term memory of the subject.
The prospect of memorizing everything we learn brings to light value judgments regarding the subjects we choose to study. The level of commitment to knowledge is much higher, and more care should be applied to our selections. This perspective also emphasizes the absurdity of learning subjects with no immediate or near-term application in our lives. The logical solution is to learn as we go, setting aside time to study subjects when we are ready for them throughout our lives.
Indeed, striving to remember everything we learn introduces a new dimension of consideration regarding our investments. aims to tackle the problem of forgetting acquired knowledge, ensuring this knowledge remains with us for as long as it’s relevant.
According to the theory of multiple intelligences, there are at least eight categories we can use to compartmentalize our areas of study: should be used to create courses that address each of these categories for students.
Students can master subjects by utilizing a variety of methods such as:
Students need a blend of self-directed and curriculum-directed education. Some students will lack direction and be provided with a curriculum. As students become more confident, they can explore knowledge on their own, designing their learning paths and focusing on the methods that suit them best.
For generating reports and blog posts to assist students in solidifying research, the platform will produce markdown files or regular text documents. Concept tracking and spaced-repetition memory enforcement will be used for these reports, just as with the core learning process. These reports essentially generate lesson plans that can be shared with other students and monetized.
Use cases such as user agreements or concicse concepts that need to be learned can be embedded in web pages.
Subjects like naturalistic or kinesthetic, or those requiring physical activity, should be prompted and monitored by the software to assist students in their practice and understanding. This will align with their personalized spaced-repetition schedule.
Spaced repetition will be applied to foster long-term memory for all studied subjects. Badges issued for subjects that are mastered must be updated consistently.
Other students can engage with courses crafted by those proficient in a subject and offer feedback. Since AI cannot discern truth, students must provide feedback to rectify inaccuracies in the knowledge bases.